
Module client contains the Client class, used to create a TCPR connection to KAG. It also contains several useful utility functions for working with clients and config files.


load_clients_from_config_file(config_file_path) Loads a config toml file from the given path.
run_clients(clients) Utility function to run all the given clients.


Client([nickname, host, port, rcon_password]) Encapsulates a TCPR connection to a specific KAG server.
class kagtcprlib.client.Client(nickname='client', host='localhost', port=50301, rcon_password='example')[source]

Bases: object

Encapsulates a TCPR connection to a specific KAG server. The way to use a Client is to create one, add some handlers to it, and then call the client’s connect() method. Handlers are instances of kagtcprlib.handlers.BaseHandler.

  • nickname (str) – A unique nickname for the client
  • host (str) – The IP address of the server
  • port (int) – The server’s RCON port
  • rcon_password (str) – The RCON password for the server

Handles an incoming line from the TCPR connection, running any matching handlers.

Parameters:line (str) – The line received
Returns:A list of messages to send back to KAG
Return type:list(str)

Splits the line into timestamp and content.

Parameters:line (str) – Line received from KAG
Returns:timestamp, content
Return type:(str, str)

Adds a new handler to the client. Handlers may be functions or instances of a Handler class.

Parameters:handler (Handler) – The handler to add

Connects to KAG and handles all TCPR lines received. Blocks until the server closes the connection.


Forever calls the client’s connect method.


Creates a daemon thread which runs the client, forever calling it’s connect method

Returns:the thread created
Return type:threading.Thread

Returns the first handler of the given type.

Parameters:handler_type (type) – The class of the handler

Returns True/False whether the client is connected.

Returns:Connected status
Return type:bool

Sends a line of text (probably angelscript code) to KAG. If the client is not connected a NotConnectedException will be raised.

Parameters:text (str) – The text to send. Newlines are added automatically.

Loads a config toml file from the given path. Returns a list of clients created using the parameters in the config file.

Parameters:config_file_path (str) – Path to the config .toml file
Returns:List of Client instances
Return type:list(Client)

Utility function to run all the given clients.

Parameters:clients (list(Client)) – The list of clients to run